Banners are a great way to motivate employees. They come in a wide variely of sizes but are typically larger than normal signs. This banner is 34 inches wide by 5 feet long and, as you can see, uses high-quality digital printing. Adding your custom text and your logo, you can put together an inifinite number of messages to get the point across to your workforce that safety is a priority at your facility - this is what we call Personalization.
Accuform Signs continues its quest to provide you with world-class customer service, the newest technological innovations (including high-quality digital imagery) and a stock OSHA safety sign, label, tag and motivational banner library that eclipses the competition. From "From Front Gate to Back Dock" we have the right products for you!
A nice idea, certainly would catch my eye. Seems like changing signs is required too or people become numb to them.